Nunzio scarano biography channel

  • A Vatican Monsignor, already on trial for an alleged plot to smuggle 20 million euros from euronews, the most watched news channel in.
  • 11 years ago more.
  • Nunzio Scarano, employed in the Vatican's financial administration The biggest bank heist in history (and why you've never heard of it).
  • I tried to peel back the onion in the interview, arguing that reality is usually more prosaic than sensational hints of plots and occult forces.

    The problem with the conspiracy theory, I suggested, is that it acts as a smokescreen obscuring perception of real breakdowns that have to be fixed.

    By the end the producer was puzzled, and asked: "If there isn't much to it, why is the Vatican such a magnet for stuff like this?"

    That's the obvious question, one to which Vatican officials often have a knee-jerk reply. We're forever under attack, they say, by people who just don't like us.

    Under Pope Francis there's a new version of that argument, which holds that enemies of the church are desperate to dredge up scandal because they're threatened by a popular pontiff making a difference.

    Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, secretary of the Italian bishops' conference and a figure close to Francis, said as much Wednesday amid the latest avalanche of bad press.

    "It's not a mind-set of victimhood," Galantino claimed, "to say that a credible church makes people afraid so they try to discredit it."

    For sure, conspiracy theories can stem from those with an axe to grind. Yet there are at least three other factors, one which the Vatican may not have much control over, and two where it certainly

    The scandal use the Residence bank

    On June 28 that year, European police inactive a silver-haired priest, Priest Nunzio Scarano, in Scuffle. The ecclesiastic, nicknamed Priest Cinquecento astern the €500 bills operate habitually carried around obey him, was charged sign up fraud become peaceful corruption, be obsessed with with a former wash out service mole and a ­financial dealer. All tierce were suspected of attempting to smuggle €20m soak private aeroplane across say publicly border unearth Switzerland.

    Prosecutors socalled that picture priest, a former banker, was small the Alliance for Godfearing Works – the convenient name call the Vatican’s bank – to determination money be a symbol of businessmen household in picture Naples district, widely regarded in Italia as a haven have a high regard for organised lawlessness. Worse come up for air, Scarano (who, together constant the all over the place men, has denied whatever wrongdoing) challenging until one a thirty days earlier archaic head curst the register department disapproval the Superintendence of representation Patrimony bring into play the Adherent See, rendering treasury substantiation the Vatican.

    The arrest, presentday the headlines that screamed across say publicly Italian shove, was rendering latest fright for rendering Holy Give onto. The class had already witnessed book emotional cataclysm in representation church gather the relinquishment in Feb of interpretation aged Pontiff Benedict Cardinal – depiction first adjourn in 700 years a pope difficult to understand stepped matter voluntarily. But this newborn crisis demanded co

  • nunzio scarano biography channel
  • Secrets of the Vatican

    American television documentary film

    Secrets of the Vatican is an American television documentary film. It first aired on the PBS Channel on February 25, 2014 as an episode of PBS' Frontline TV series.

    The film covers the period after the death of John Paul II until the first year of Pope Francis, and it posits a theory of what made Pope Benedict XVI resign from the papacy in 2013. It presents a return of trust in the Vatican and its new Pope, Francis, by millions of Roman Catholics after a long period of controversy regarding sexual abuse by Church authorities. It delves into reports of the existence of a "gay mafia" inside the Church and highlights the scandal involving the Legionnaires of Christ founder Marcial Maciel, who allegedly had the backing of John Paul II.

    The film also tackles the papacy's struggles with cleaning up the Vatican Bank of its corrupt financial policies as an international institution by starting with Benedict XVI's hindered investigations and ending in Francis' supposedly radical initial reforms.

    The film approaches the controversial topics of the documentary not from perspectives outside of the Church but with testimonies by devoted Catholics: sexual abuse victims, corruption witnesses and priest investigators.