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    OF A


    Paramsant Samarth Sadguru Mahatma
    Ramchandraji Maharj
    Janab Laalaaji Maharaj

    Original: Divya Kranti Ki Kahani (Hindi)

    Dr. (Smt.) Suman Saxena, MA, PhD

    Translated in English:

    Edited: Mahatma Shri Dinaysh Kumar Saxena


    (Would He ever listen to my agony,

    And that too in my own words?)




    Preface to the Original Book “Divya Kranti Ki Kahani”
    About the Book
    A Solemnly Call
    Bouquet of Prayers
    The Significance of the Publication of Autobiography
    My Ancestors
    My Childhood
    Prakriti Purush Darshan
    My Guide! The Truth Personified!
    My Wife
    My Children
    Cosmic Consciousness (Sayujyata)
    The Night Shelter (Nisha-Nid)
    Vista (Uttar Dipti)
    Glossary of some terms used in this book


    It is quite a strange idea to publish an autobiography of a saint, during whose

    physical life-time, the next-door neighbor did not know, even his name. Why? The
    answer is perhaps that he was truly a fakir in terms of Tasawwuf of Sufism. In other
    words, fakir Ramchandra was really the one, who had “annihilated his self”.

    Born on the auspicious day of Basant Panchami, the 2nd February , named

  • neeraj k pawan biography books free download
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