Gertrude stein lost generation
The shocking memoir of the 'lost generation'
Features correspondent
On the 75th anniversary of Gertrude Stein's death, Cath Pound looks back at the author's bestselling book, The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas, which shocked and insulted the most famous writers and artists of the 20th Century.
Gertrude Stein, who died 75 years ago this month, was at the cultural heart of Paris for more than four decades. She provided vital patronage for Matisse and Picasso at a time when few others had any appreciation for their work, and the Saturday evening gatherings where she played hostess to those in the know have become legendary. After World War One, she became a major draw for the legion of British and American writers who flocked to the French capital seeking a freedom of expression frequently denied them in their more puritanical homelands. In Stein's own mind she was a genius who would revolutionise English literature, however her largely impenetrable prose means she is one of the least-read famous authors of all time. With one exception – The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas.
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Lost Generation
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Gertrude Stein? Ernest Hemingway? Hotel Keeper? Automobile Repair Shop Owner? Anonymous?
Question for Quote Investigator: Would you please explore the provenance of the following expression? Here are two versions:
You are all a lost generation.
You are all a génération perdue.
The phrase “lost generation” has been applied to young people who experienced the repercussions of World War I. It has also been narrowly applied to a group of U.S. expatriate writers who lived in Paris after the war.
Reply from Quote Investigator: In 1926 prominent U.S. writer Ernest Hemingway published the acclaimed novel “The Sun Also Rises” which began with the following epigraph. Boldface added to excerpts by QI:
“You are all a lost generation.”
—Gertrude Stein in conversation.
Interestingly, author Gertrude Stein did not coin this phrase, but there are two different stories about the originator. Hemingway claimed that Stein heard the phrase from an automobile repair shop owner. Yet, Stein wrote that she heard the phrase from a hotel keeper. Details are given below.
Hemingway wrote multiple drafts of “The Sun Also Rises”, and he also considered several different titles for the novel. For example, one early title that Hemingway eventually rejected was: “The Lost Generation”.