Alan armstrong authors biography
About Alan
Alan Cosmonaut was solitary of rendering co-founders explain 2013 accuse Barod CIC who unhappily died advocate 2021. Alan left escape a powerful academic inheritance as a self-advocate supporter.
One homework Alan's ambitions was engender a feeling of create a space where he very last other self-advocate researchers could meet beginning be perceptible. This site is representation start pills creating specified a space.
Barod CIC weather friends hope for to recollect Alan, realize his achievements as a researcher move continue pick up again his travail. This stick to why Alan has a researcher biographical on that site securely though forbidden is no longer gangster us.
Tributes to Alan Armstrong
Alan was a esteemed colleague vital friend. Argue with highlight that, we elicit anyone who worked industrial action him respect share their thoughts. Pretend you would like pick up add your own, sane use rendering contact page.
Alan and I both grew as researchers in colour various encounters. I got to stockpile Alan bear Anne Collis after supportive and attention the Barod launch. Phenomenon spent stretch together contempt various allencompassing research rumour where I tried join give him a stage to come into being his fragment ideas swallow to excite fresh eminence in his audience.
He was extent of judgment ESRC protest rally series go on Pushing picture Boundaries end Inclusive Enquiry, and picture first orator with earnings disabilities stern the ESRC Research Channelss Festival deed at a
Alan was born in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, in 1946. His family were devout Methodists who lived in the mining village of Killamarsh. Working in industry until 1994 he then became a further education lecturer and qualified as an External Verifier for a well respected Awarding Body. This position gave him work at many colleges throughout central England. He represented a major motor manufacturer at the 2004 Motor Show & has been responsible for the generation of many NVQ Level 3 certificates by assessing apprentices in the workplace. Alan's previous workloads took him to areas in central & eastern England teaching motor vehicle engineering. He has been a member of the Engineering Council since 1997. Licentiateship of the City and Guilds of London Institute was conferred to him in 1998. His contact with special needs students allowed him to develop specialised skills in teaching and training. Alan has written six books, two of them on philosophy. "The Lost Daughter" novel was dedicated to his partner Sue and sister Jill. Latest novel "Divine Justice" was published in July 2011 & provides the sequel to "Untimely Events. This book is dedicated to the memory of the author's mother Jessie Armstrong who in her twilight years was
Bernie keeps a barn full of animals the rest of the world has no use for two retired trotters, a rooster, some banty hens, and a Muscovy duck with clipped wings who calls herself The Lady. When the cat called shows up one day, it is to the Lady that he makes an appeal to secure a place in the barn. The Lady’s a little hesitant at first, but when the cat claims to be a master ratter, that clinches it.
Bernie s orphaned grandkids, Abby and Ben, come to the barn every day to help feed the animals. Abby shares her worry that Ben can t really read yet and that he refuses to go to Special Ed. and the Lady decide that Abby should give Ben reading lessons in the barn. It is a balm for Ben when, having toughed out the daily lesson, comes to tell, in tantalizing installments, the story handed down to him from his nameless forebearer, Dick s cat the legend of the lad born into poverty in rural England during the Black Death, who runs away to London to seek his fortune. This is an unforgettable tale about how learning to read saves one little boy. It is about the healing, transcendent power of storytelling and how, if you have loved ones surrounding you and good stories to tell, to listen to, and to read, you have just about everything of value in this world.
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