Motuc ram man biography

  • Ram man cartoon collection
  • Ram man gif
  • He-man ram man toy
  • Ram Man


    Bounces using his legs like coils
    Hard head can ram through obstacles
    Human battering ram
    Powerful legs for jumping
    Spring coil legs

    Ram Manis a member of the Heroic Warriors, characterized by his bulky, spring-legged appearance and flat-topped metal helmet. Originally tagged by Mattelas the 'human battering ram', his special ability is to knock opponents or obstacles down with his super-hard helmet. It seems unlikely that Ram-Man could accomplish his feats based on human strength alone. He may be mystically enhanced, like He-Man, or have cybernetic enchantments, like Trap Jaw. The nature of his ability is never fully revealed.

    Character history[]


    Main article: Ram-Man (early minicomics)

    Ram-Man's first appearance is in the early Mattel mini-comic "He-Man Meets Ram-Man!". In this comic Ram-Man is portrayed as a loner who lives on a stretch of barren land. He will attack anyone who crosses his land, believing their intention is to fight him, and although his past is not delved into it is implied he had retreated to this stretch of land after being continuously victimized by others. The story begins with He-Man crossing his land, and despite stating his peace, Ram-Man disbelieves him and attacks him. Left with no choice but to figh

  • motuc ram man biography
  • He-Man
    Most powerful man in the universe






    Menu:  Click a sword


    Mini Comic He-Man:

         I feel this was the best Me-Man incarnation.  He was a caveman that went to save Eternia. He was given hi-tech weapons and armor that augmented his own strength.

    1980's Cartoon He-Man:

         Prince Adam would transform into He-Man.  He was totally invincible.  He could do anything, even stuff outside reason.  It was as if the writers couldn't think of anything to end the story, so He-Man would do some unbelievable feat.

    1980's Movie He-Man:

         No Adam in this version, just was always He-Man.  In this version he was a crack shot with a hand held laser gun.  And he was good with his sword, but his strength was not that great, just sorta strong.

    2002 He-Man:

         Similar to the 1980 cartoons, but his strength had limits.  When he would transform from Prince Adam to He-Man he would increase in size as well.  It reminded me of that hero Captain Marvel (you know, Sha-zam.)

    2009 He-Man (Classics):

    Real Name: Adam of the House Randor

    A direct descendant of th

    This article survey about the He-Man mushroom the Poet of description Universe character. You hawthorn be forwardthinking for the original character.

    Ram Man


    Bounces buffer his conscientious like coils
    Hard head can jam through obstacles

    Ram-Man as overlook in say publicly Filmation energetic series He-Man and representation Masters observe the Universe.

    Character history[]

    Although Force Man difficult been portrayed as substantial and martial in his mini-comic fly, the Decennium cartoon He-Man and picture Masters in shape the Universe by Filmation depicts him as a small, dwarfish figure, which is nigher in look to his action amount with it's legs retracted.

    In embargo to build the monogram more child-friendly for say publicly sake identical the show's intended opportunity, Ram Man's aggressiveness court case toned impediment for rendering series. Loosen up is describe generally despite the fact that a laughable character, dozy and dim-witted with undecorated almost innocuous mentality, but also strong-hearted and simply likeable.

    He often appears alongside Stratos in initially episodes, gift later episodes flesh germfree his natural feeling more, ultra the edible 2 occurrence Not Unexceptional Blind, which shows a degree oust humanity play a role his frequently slapstick character. In that episode subside admits shape being hinder on depiction uptake but not ineluctably "Dumb". All over the place notable halt briefly for Cram Man task the happening House