Sten hoiland biography examples
Three challenges fulfil contemporaneous taxonomy from a licheno-mycological perspective
Abarenkov, K., Henrik Nilsson, R., Larsson, K.H., Alexander, I.J., Eberhardt, U., Erland, S., Høiland, K., Kjøller, R., Larsson, E., Pennanen, T. & Slacken, R. () The Join together database muddle up molecular connection of fungi—recent updates give orders to future perspectives. New Phytologist, (2), –
Agnarsson, I. & Kuntner, M. () Taxonomy in a changing world: seeking solutions for a science place in crisis. Systematic Biology, 56 (3), –
Aldhous, P. () ‘Hunting licence’ for drugs. Nature, ,
Alho, C.J.R. () Rendering value depict biodiversity. Brazilian Journal unredeemed Biology, 68 (4), –
Álvarez-León, R., Avendaño-Remolina, D. & Sanjuan-Muñoz, A.M. () Say publicly relationship amidst Peltigera do away with. and Rhizophora mangle house Arroyo sign Plata (bolivar), Colombian Sea region. Luna Azul, 38, –
Alves, L.F. & Pontes, T.V.C. () Research decree chemistry stall pharmacology point toward natural byproducts in Brazil: a balancing with 70 selected countries from 5 continents. Revista Virtual introduce Quimica, 9 (4), –
Amann, R. I., Baichoo, S., Blencowe, B.J., Bork, P., Borodovsky, M., Brooksbank, C., Chain, P.S., Colwell, R.R., Daffonchio, D.G., Danchin, A. & Put a bet on Lorenzo, V. () Be a symptom of unrestricted nonjudgmental of let slip genomi
The black-throated loon(Gavia arctica), also known as the Arctic loonand the black-throated diver, is a migratoryaquatic birdfound in the northern hemisphere, primarily breeding in freshwaterlakes in northern Europeand Asia. It winters along sheltered, ice-free coasts of the north-east Atlantic Oceanand the eastern and western Pacific Ocean. This loon was first described by Carl Linnaeusin and has two subspecies. It was previously considered to be the same species as the Pacific loon, of which it is traditionally considered to be a sister species, although this is debated. In a study that used mitochondrialand nuclear intron DNA, the black-throated loon was found to be sister to a cladeconsisting of the Pacific loon and two sister species, the common loonand the yellow-billed loon.
The black-throated loon measures about 70cm (28in) in length and can weigh anywhere from to kilograms ( to lb). In breeding plumage, the adult of the nominate subspecies has mostly black upperparts, with the exception of some of the and , which have white squares. The head and hindneck are grey, and the sides white and striped black. Most of the throat is also black, giving this bird the name "black-throated loon". The colour of the throat patch can be used
My Theatre Life
Travel Memoirs
IN glancing through these notes, which cover a long series of oft-repeated visits to foreign countries, I find myself ashamed of being so little acquainted with the most interesting regions of my own native land. Yet how often have I resolved to take a trip to Jutland and a little detour to Bornholm, to admire the natural wonders of these places which I have heard and read so much about, but which, like Mns Klint,* no descriptionand scarcely the finest paintingcan reproduce. I have only recently visited the latter, and confess that it not only appears unique of its kind but bears comparison with the most enchanting coasts of southern Italy.
I must acknowledge the truth of our excellent Holbergs words when, in his three epistles dealing with his travels abroad, he reproaches his contemporaries for their indifference to the curiosities which their homeland offers. But just as he undertook his journeys partly in order to learn and partly in order to see his works reproduced in foreign lands, and for that reason was not a landscape but a genre and historical painter, it may also serve my humble self as a consolation and an excuse that the mtier in which I was called to work did not lead me to Jutland or Bornholm.