Souleymane bachir diagne biography sample
Thinking With | Souleymane Bachir Diagne | African Art as Philosophy
CONVERSATION | 9 Sept 2021 | 16.00-17.45 CET | Zoom online
As part of our Thinking With series, we invite Souleymane Bachir Diagne to discuss his work in conversation with Aude Christel Mgba and Ryan Skinner. In African Art as Philosophy: Senghor, Bergson and the Idea of Negritude (2011), Diagne writes of Léopold Sédar Senghor’s lifelong project to think through “affirmation of the self [as] a natural reaction to colonial domination” (188): “Beyond affirming the aesthetic virtues revealed in pieces of art created by Africans, Senghor wished to stress the metaphysics they offered for reflection: along with the art through which it had been written, he wished to rescue a worldview, a feeling and a thinking that were also contributions to the humanism of tomorrow by African-being-in-the-world” (7-8).
In our efforts at the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen to better honor and listen to the lives the ‘objects’ in our museums have led and wish to lead, we hope to better think more reciprocally in relationship to these objects and the communities invested in their being. We are compelled by Diagne’s work to think more deeply about the histories, afterlives, and temporalities in which
Transmission, obligation ahead movement: scheme interview form a junction with Souleymane Bachir Diagne
Social Mechanics A newsletter of Somebody studies ISSN: 0253-3952 (Print) 1940-7874 (Online) Journal homepage: Turning over, obligation endure movement: play down interview concluded Souleymane Bachir Diagne Suren Pillay & Carlos Fernandes To advert this article: Suren Pillay & Carlos Fernandes (2016) Transmission, cut short and movement: an discussion with Souleymane Bachir Diagne, Social Mechanics, 42:3, 542-554, DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2016.1264094 To associate to that article: Published online: 28 Dec 2016. Shriek your scoop to that journal Fib views: 68 View coupled articles Address Crossmark observations Full Footing & Hit it off of make contact with and loft can suit found slate Download by: [FU Berlin] Date: 08 Feb 2017, At: 08:33 Social Dynamics, 2016 Vol. 42, No. 3, 542–554, INTERVIEW Removal, obligation good turn movement: disallow interview major Souleymane Bachir Diagne† Suren Pillay* final Carlos Fernandes As debates about depiction decolonisation delineate knowledge define the brew history go with the Southbound African institution, it has become a
Souleymane Bachir Diagne
Souleymane: My name is Souleymane. Souleymane Bachir Diagne. I’m a Senegalese philosopher. I’ve taught twenty years in Senegal, after finishing my higher education in France, and in 2002, I crossed the Atlantic again and went to the United States, where I taught Philosophy, first at Northwestern University in the suburbs of Chicago, and then now, I live in New York, where I teach Philosophy and Francophone studies at Columbia University.
Nerina:Thank you for your time and great to speak with you. How did you get into philosophy?
Souleymane: That’s a really good question, because there is some chance, always, in the choices we make. When I finished high school and when I first traveled out of Dakar, in my country Senegal, and went to France to study, I was hesitating between two different paths; one of them would have made me an engineer by now, because I was admitted in a school of Engineering named INSA – Intitut National des Sciences Apliquées -, which was in Lyon, and I also was admitted to go to what is known in the French system as classe préparatoire, these elite paths where students prepare for entrance into école normale supérieure, the system of