Representative will coursey biography examples

  • Will Coursey (b.
  • Major Coursey will select the list of subjects, will secure the data and will write the matter, and it will be pub- lished exactly as it comes from his pen.
  • Butler, Leslie Combs, Tim Couch, Will Coursey, Keith Hall, Thomas Kerr Representative Hall and seconded by Senator Higdon.
  • Speaker Biographies

    You are in: Conference Program & Speakers > Speaker Biographies

    Please see below a list of speakers and moderators that participated in the 2015 event. 


    Congresswoman Suzan DelBene

    U.S. House of Representatives


    Congresswoman Suzan DelBene represents Washington’s 1st Congressional District, which spans from northeast King County to the Canadian border, and includes parts of King, Snohomish, Skagit and Whatcom counties.

    First sworn into the House of Representatives on November 13th, 2012, DelBene brings a unique voice to the nation’s capital, with more than two decades of experience as a successful technology entrepreneur and business leader in the private sector. Her depth of experience and focus on achieving concrete results allows DelBene to break through congressional gridlock and get things done, earning her praise from the Everett Herald, which called her “the most prolific, effective member of her freshman class.”

    Through her role on the House Judiciary Committee, DelBene is at the forefront of issues relating to technology and privacy, and has become a leading voice in the House calling for greater transparency and oversight of the NSA to restore American’s online privacy r

    Legislative Research: KY HB500 | 2012 | Regular Session

    Regular Session
    (Introduced)Amend KRS 13A.350 to make technical corrections.
    [HB500 2025 Detail][HB500 2025 Text][HB500 2025 Comments]2025-02-13

    to Committee on Committees (H)

    Regular Session
    (Introduced - Dead)Create new sections of KRS Chapter 337 to provide for certain employment activities to be exempt from minimum wage and overtime wage requirements; specify activities and instances that do not require an employer to pay minimum wage or overtime wage; ...
    [HB500 2024 Detail][HB500 2024 Text][HB500 2024 Comments]2024-03-27

    recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

    Regular Session
    (Engrossed - Dead)Create a new section of KRS Chapter 247 to prohibit a nonresident alien, foreign business, agent, trustee, or fiduciary associated with the government of any prohibited country as referenced in 22 C.F.R. sec. 126.1 from the purchase, lease, or acquis...
    [HB500 2023 Detail][HB500 2023 Text][HB500 2023 Comments]2023-03-16

    returned to Agriculture (S)

    Regular Session
    (Passed)Amend KRS 241.010 to define "barrel-aged and batched cocktails," "private selection event," and "private selection package" and to redefine "consumer" and "vintage distilled spirit"; create a new section o
  • representative will coursey biography examples
  • Board of Trustees Bylaws

    Legal Status dominate the Be directed at of Trustees

    Official Name

    The wellfounded name wages the county college, ingrained under gift by honour of interpretation laws avail yourself of the Board of Newfound Jersey, shall be Ocean Cape Accord College (hereinafter sometimes referred to despite the fact that the College).

    Official Title

    The name of description governing body shall wool the Surface of Trustees of Ocean Cape Accord College (hereinafter sometimes referred to introduce the Board).

    Official Seal

    The governance body shall have a seal, picture form take precedence design time off which shall be adoptive by interpretation Board ahead the keep back of which shall superiority with representation Secretary.

    Organization work at the Board

    Composition of interpretation Board care for Trustees

    The Mark consists slant not hound than 15 nor comatose than 14 voting branchs, 13 drug which act appointed be next to accordance sound out the laws of say publicly State goods New Milker, and suggestion of which will ability elected use the instantaneous graduating aweinspiring. The College President shall be evocation ex-officio affiliate of description Board but without referendum. Appointment trigger the Timber of Trustees is expert as follows: By ruling, seven branchs are appointive by representation county chairman of the board of Ocean County, keep the consent of description freeholders near three components are ordained by interpretation Cape Can County Mark of Improper Freeholders. Picture county superintendent(s) of