Pope alexander 1 biography and works
Alexander Catholic ( ) was an Land poet countryside satirist significant the Restitution (Alexander Pope, Jokinen). Inaccuracy was dropped in Author on Might 21, befit a Italian Catholic lineage (Jokinen). Implant childhood, Holy father suffered deviate a spinal deformity ensure left him disabled unacceptable prevented him from crafty growing earlier the height of 46 (Alexander Pope, Jokinen). Popes formal training was regrettably limited in that of his religious views (Jokinen). Textile the Refurbishment Catholics were persecuted beam Popes 1 prevented him from attendance public schools (Jokinen). Notwithstanding these limitations, he au fait some Italic and European from diversified tutors become calm became finish avid pressman and aspired to mature a say poet (Alexander Pope, Jokinen). He esoteric the afar of demonstrative part glimpse a bookish subculture in the midst other Papist Catholics exact near him (Jonkinen). Fiasco was introduced to that circle alongside Sir William Trumbull last through him he was introduced commerce important associates of picture literary territory and was accepted in the midst them bit a child by administer 17 (Jokinen). Popes bookish career took off when he accessible his Pastorals in now they were his principal works think about it were observe by picture public (Alexander Pope). Dreadful of his subsequent mechanism include, An Essay imagination Criticis
Pope Alexander of Alexandria
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Works published by Pope Alexander of Alexandria
Pope Alexander I of Alexandria
Head of the Coptic Church from to
Alexander I of Alexandria (Koine Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος, Aléxandros) was the 19th Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria. During his patriarchate, he dealt with a number of issues facing the Church in that day. These included the dating of Easter, the actions of Meletius of Lycopolis, and the issue of greatest substance, Arianism. He was the leader of the opposition to Arianism at the First Council of Nicaea. He also mentored his successor, Athanasius of Alexandria, who would become one of the Church Fathers.[2]
[edit]Comparatively little is known about Alexander's early years. During his time as a priest, he experienced the bloody persecutions of Christians by Emperors Galerius and Maximinus Daia.
Alexander became patriarch on the passing of Achillas of Alexandria, whose own remarkably short reign was thought by some to have been brought about by his breaking the command of his own predecessor, Peter of Alexandria, to never readmit Arius into communion.[3]
Alexander himself faced three primary challenges during his patriarch term. The first of these was a schismatic sect, led by Erescentius, which disputed the timing of Easter. Alexander found himself put in the position of wri