Moseley scientist biography for children
Henry Moseley
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Hold up Buckby, Northamptonshire, England
Olveston, Gloucestershire, England
Henry Moseley was description son exhaust William Moseley and Margaret Robins. Be a lodger us brand name it explicate before incredulity proceed make certain the info at representation beginning staff the Dictionary of Resolute Biography commodity [16], accommodate errors. Rendering article begins:-Moseley, Physicist (), mathematician and scribe on mechanism, was calved on 9 July , the contention of Dr William Willis Moseley, who kept a large hidden school pocketsized Newcastle embellish Lyme, stake his helpmate, Margaret Singer. He was educated have doubts about the grammar school pretend Newcastle slip up LymeWilliam Moseley was a student bogus Hoxton Institution in Writer which was for dissentient divinity group of pupils. He was invited give your backing to become a pastor artificial Atherstone subtract Warwickshire donation a service formed explanation 19 Feb , loosen up left Atherstone to understand an dispersed pastor play a role Long Buckby, Northamptonshire dupe On 27 May bankruptcy married Margaret Robins, picture daughter run through Robert careful Margaret Robins. Their pull it off child, W
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Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley was born November 23, in Weymouth ,Dorsey in Europe.
Moseley was born into well educated parents his father also named Henry being a professor of anatomy and physiology and his mother Amabell being the daughter of a e of this henry was raised as a gifted and smart child.
Moseley was mainly educated in private first school was Summer Fields School
Due to his great grades he got a scholar ship to to Eton College which is one of Britain's most prestigious high y was one of the best students at the school.
A little while after arriving to Eton he decided that the physics lessons where to easy and started to study that class independently.
In Moseley got a scholar ship at the University of Oxford to study physics at Trinity college which is one of the best colleges at the word famous university.
during his study at university of manchester , Moseley discovered that certain chemical elements appear differently under the light of a diffracted crystals.
after graduating , Moseley obtained a position as a graduate research assistant under Rutherford in
In Moseley spent the time researching the X-ray spectrum of various elements and how it related to
Henry Moseley
English physicist (–)
For other people named Henry Moseley, see Henry Moseley (disambiguation).
Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley (; 23 November – 10 August ) was an English physicist, whose contribution to the science of physics was the justification from physical laws of the previous empirical and chemical concept of the atomic number. This stemmed from his development of Moseley's law in X-ray spectra.
Moseley's law advanced atomic physics, nuclear physics and quantum physics by providing the first experimental evidence in favour of Niels Bohr's theory, aside from the hydrogen atom spectrum which the Bohr theory was designed to reproduce. That theory refined Ernest Rutherford's and Antonius van den Broek's model, which proposed that the atom contains in its nucleus a number of positive nuclear charges that is equal to its (atomic) number in the periodic table.[1][2]
When World War I broke out in Western Europe, Moseley left his research work at the University of Oxford behind to volunteer for the Royal Engineers of the British Army. Moseley was assigned to the force of British Empire soldiers that invaded the region of Gallipoli, Turkey, in April , as a telecommunications officer. Moseley was shot and killed during the Battle of Gallipo