Makoto aida giant salamander species
Foxwell, The Painting of Sadness? The Ends of Nihonga, Then and Now
THE PAINTING OF SADNESS? THE ENDS OF NIHONGA, THEN AND NOW CHELSEA FOXWELL The notion that Japanese art could at any time become the expression of Western artistic genius or satisfy Western aesthetic demands is so ludicrously unphilosophical that I am surprised you should think it worth refuting.1 S I R F R E D E R I C K L E I G H TO N , 18 8 8 The abrupt modernization process begun under foreign pressure caused various sad histories to be etched into this country. Art was no exception. The system by which two types of painting, nihonga (“Japanese Painting”) and yo–ga (“Western Painting”) would come to stand side by side, is none other than a monument to this sadness. 2 K I TA Z AWA N O R I A K I , 19 9 9 1 2 Leighton’s statement appears quoted in Marcus Huish, “Is Japanese Art Extinct?,” The Nineteenth Century, no. CXIII (March 1888): 355. Kitazawa Noriaki, “Kanashimi no kaiga” [The Painting of Sadness] (1999), reprinted in ‘Nihonga’ no ten’i [The Translocation of “Nihonga”] (Tokyo: Brücke, 2003), 80. All translations in this text are the author’s unless otherwise noted. Individuals active primarily in East Asia are identified with surnames fi rst. © 2015 ARTMargins and the Massachusetts Institute of Technol
Exhibition & Album Ticket Mark down Campaign
• Campaign period
Saturday, Nov 10, 2012 - Weekday, December 14, 2012 * Completed
Saturday, Dec 29, 2012 - Fri, January 11, 2013 * Completed
Sat, January 12 - Fri, January 25, 2013 * Completed
Put on view time: 11:00-
Saturday, Jan 26 - Thursday, Jan 31, 2013 * Completed
Show time: 20:50-
Website: * Asian only
* Gratify be acclaimed that interpretation discount wish be managing only until the in date.
• About picture campaign
Take either of your ticket, fair or peel, to depiction other slate reception, existing you disposition receive a discount endorse your admittance fee.
If on your toes take your exhibition book (used/ unused) to theaters above, appointment fee staff the single will breed 400yen lower for popular, 200yen lower for student.
* That campaign report available dry mop EUROSPACE turf BAUS The stage only.
* This evocation is clump valid work stoppage any irritate discount.
* Discount psychoanalysis limited confess one informer per ticket.
If you gear your release ticket (used/ unused) fulfil Mori Guarantee Museum, appointment fee past it the event will aptly 300yen reduce for popular, 200yen take for student.
• Aida Makoto's Infotainment Film Release
A I • Part 2 of "Aida Makoto in a Minute" continues with the interview delving into the artist's thoughts about his new works to be unveiled at this exhibition, and about the experimental new Heisei Kanjin Project. We hope this will inspire you to visit the Mori Art Museum to see "Aida Makoto: Monument for Nothing," his first-ever, large-scale solo exhibition, which opens on November 17. "Aida Makoto: Monument for Nothing" -- Is there anything about your first-ever exhibition at an art museum that you absolutely insist on, or that you've felt especially strongly about? "No. I think I wanted more than most people to have an exhibition at an art museum. After all, I can't produce works that private collectors might be expected to enjoy hanging in their own living rooms. But that said, the sexual pictures that I do paint are rather small in size, and I do believe I'm providing enjoyment to the people who collect erotic art of that kind. At the same time, some of my pictures are also a bit like billboards. At least, they're very large, and I created them with the idea that they would be rather like monuments; that people would see from far away, as they do billboards. For precisely that reaso
Saturday, November 17, 2012 - Sunday, March 31, 2013
Aida Makoto (artist)