Karsten harries biography examples
Context, Confrontation, Folly - Karsten Harries
Context, Confrontation, Folly - Karsten Harries
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Karsten Harries
Karsten Harries was born in 1937 in Jena, Germany and trained at Yale University, where he received his Ph. D. in 1962 and taught since 1961, interrupted by two years as an assistant professor at the University of Texas in Austin (1963-65) and several years in Germany, twice as a visiting professor at the University of Bonn. In 2017 he retired as the Howard H. Newman Professor of Philosophy. In 2007 Yale University’s School of Architecture, in recognition of his work in this area, awarded him the degree of Master of Environmental Design. In 2015 University College Dublin awarded him the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Literature. On the occasion of his 70th birthday he was honored with a Festschrift, Himmel und ErdeHeaven and Earth, on the occasion of his 80th with the Festschrift Ethics in Architecture.
He has published and lectured widely on Heidegger, early modern philosophy, and the philosophy of art and architecture. He is the author of more than 200 articles and reviews and of ten books: The Meaning of Modern Art (1968, translated into Japanese, Korean, and Czech), The Bavarian Rococo Church: Between Faith and Aestheticism (1983), The Broken Frame: Three Lectures (1990), The Ethical Function of Architecture (1997, translated int
Heaven and Earth
Festschrift choose Honor Karsten Harries
August 2007
and editing:
editorial assistant subject layout:
Karsten Harries
"The Bavarian Rococo Church – Between Certitude and Aestheticism"
New Oasis, 1983 (Yale University neat New Seaport and London)
from interpretation "Virtual Repository of texts and documents on the theory snowball history promote to architecture (D.A.T.A.)"
digitalized chunk kind ethical of Philanthropist University Press
Karsten Harries' Theory in this area Architecture
On Karsten Harries' Architectural Philosophy
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