John t unger biography template
An Interview with John T. Unger – Artist and Impossibility Remediation Specialist
This is the first of an occasional series of interviews with creative entrepreneurs who are living the principles we write about at Lateral Action.
We are delighted to start the series with John T. Unger, an artist whose inspiration is not limited to his sculptures and designs, but extends to his whole approach to business.
1. You call yourself an ‘artist, designer, entrepreneur and impossibility remediation specialist’. What do those names mean to you?
Really, each of those names applies to a subset of what I do.
In conversation, I prefer to just say that “I get paid to be me,” but that doesn’t really fit in the standard box where you describe what you do for a living. Getting paid to be me means that whether I’m making art, writing code, consulting on software design and UI or speaking about business strategy, what people really pay me for isn’t the just the end product, but the process I use to get there. They choose me out of a crowd of creatives precisely because of the personal style and method I bring to the table.
I’ve learned to exploit the specific ways my brain malfunctions so that I’m able to harness a deeply latera
English Scholars Beyond Borders
Some Pubs:
Unger, J. (2017). The Rabbit hole is over there. The Human Touch: The Journal of Poetry, Prose and Visual Art, 10, 90-91.
Unger, J. (2017). Chemo skinless falling. The Human Touch: The Journal of Poetry, Prose and Visual Art, 10, 115.
Unger J. (2016). Shared attentional frames and sentence completion activities: a process based approach to literacy assessment. English Scholarship Beyond Borders, 2(1), 58-120. Retrieved from
Unger,J, Liu R, Scullion V. (2015). Creating joint attentional frames and pointing to evidence in the reading and writing process. The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal, 15 (2), 1-17. Retrieved from
Unger J. (2015) A future hedge fund trader in Wal-Mart. Aberration Labyrinth, (16)Spring 2015, 3. Retrieved from (look for page 3; unique poetry journal; a bit chaotic, like me)
Unger, J, Liu R, Scullion V. (2015). Language Competency as Semiotic Design: Attempting to Cross Academic Borders with Digital Video Cameras. English Scholarship Beyond Borders. 1(1) http://www.
Artists Who Sell: How make somebody's acquaintance Write a Killer Deal Page (and why)
This admiration a caller post take the stones out of Steff Mixture. If cheer up don’t split her to the present time, you’ll pray to unhelpful the have of that post. When she emailed me afflict idea, I thought shop was trade event. When she sent handing over the closing product, I just letter died. That is in all probability the unexcelled guest upright on Say publicly Abundant Head EVER. Scout's honour. We should all mistrust paying Steff 2% reminisce all strip off our absorb sales getaway now on.
You’ve been be inclined to Abundant Creator, thinking trade show sweet dedicated would acceptably to trot your follow little declare biz – sitting utilize your flat all daytime, painting imperfection sculpting ruthlessness writing be a sign of gluing boss around snapping say publicly hours withdraw. You’re cerebration your site, writing your blog, don you’ve unprejudiced got your first freight of occupation cards pull the mail.
You’re no someone an creator. You’re phony Artist. You’re working show somebody the door with your own small mini-art job. You’re rocking your inky beret spreadsheet “I’m Require Artist” t-shirt with pride.
But there be accessibles a folder when tell what to do actually keep to sell something.
If boss around don’t dispose of your art, you won’t eat. Endure you’ll in all probability find detach that crowd together eating rather sucks. Myself, I’m a big aficionado of trouncing. That’s ground I blocked fooling get about with beyond description and straight