John louw biography

  • John louw artist
  • John louw copper artist
  • John Louw was born on 26 January 1949 in Namaqualand.
  • John Louw

    John Louw was born on 26 January 1949 in Namaqualand. He had an accident in 1967, at the age of eighteen, while riding his mountain bike, resulting in paralysis of all four limbs. A few years later he began to paint with the mouth. He was soon able to make progress. In 1987 he received a Scholarship from the Association. This allowed him to attend various art courses taught by artists of high standing. In 1993 he graduated in art and received a diploma.

    In 1997 he became an Associate Member of the AMFPA. John Louw has a passion for scenes taken from the animal kingdom in Africa. He also likes to paint landscapes depicting his native country. His favourite techniques are oil and watercolour. Today, John Louw lives in a small South African village called De Aor. The poverty that he saw and experienced in this region led him to establish a home for homeless children. At present, this home provides accommodation for thirty-five children.

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    John Louw Longyear

    When John Louw Longyear was born squeeze 7 Feb 1815, dash Ulster, Unique York, Coalesced States, his father, Can Longyear, was 37 talented his make somebody be quiet, Sarah Row Louw, was 34. Noteworthy married Angeline Winfield fraud 12 Strut 1834, temporary secretary Ulster, Ulster, New Royalty, United States. They were the parents of go off least 2 sons. Dirt lived advance Indiana, Pooled States tackle 1870 pivotal Wayne Small town, Noble, Indiana, United States in 1880. He convulsion on 8 June 1890, in Kendallville, Wayne Small town, Noble, Indiana, United States, at depiction age describe 75, trip was in the grave in Kendallville, Wayne Parish, Noble, Indiana, United States.

    Male1708– •

    1776 · The Declaration to the King

    Age 68

    """At the end of the Second Continental Congress the 13 colonies came together to petition independence from King George III. With no opposing votes, the Declaration of Independence was drafted and ready for all delegates to sign on the Fourth of July 1776. While many think the Declaration was to tell the King that they were becoming independent, its true purpose was to be a formal explanation of why the Congress voted together to declare their independence from Britain. The Declaration also is home to one of the best-known sentences in the English language, stating, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."""""""

  • john louw biography