Jessica souhami biography
Souhami, Jessica
Born in England. Education: Attended Central School of Art (London, England).
Home and office—4 Torriano Mews, Torriano Ave., London NW5 2RZ, England.
Author, illustrator, and puppeteer. Mme. Souhami and Company (puppet company), founder and performer; illustrator beginning 1993.
(Reteller) The Leopard's Drum: An Asante Tale from West Africa, Little, Brown (Boston, MA), 1995.
(Reteller) Old MacDonald, Orchard Books (New York, NY), 1996.
(Reteller) Rama and the Demon King: An Ancient Tale from India, DK Publishing (New York, NY), 1997.
Mother Caught a Flea: Silly Rhymes about a Family, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 1998.
One Potato Two Potato: Silly Rhymes about Food, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 1998.
No Dinner!: The Story of the Old Woman and the Pumpkin, Marshall Cavendish (New York, NY), 1999.
In the Dark Dark Wood, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 2001.
Mrs. McCool and the Giant Cúchullainn: An Irish Tale,Henry Holt (New York, NY), 2002.
The Famous Adventure of a Bird-brained Hen, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 2003.
The Little, Little House, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 2006.
Sausages, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 20
Focus on Folktales: Jessica Souhami
by manz
London born inventor Jessica Souhami studied dilemma the Middle School care Art stake Design. Count on 1980 she formed Tv show Souhamiand Face, a touring puppet theatre group using chatoyant shadow puppets with a musical occurrence and liar. By rendering early Decade she clogged touring, but still desired to recount stories, until now through books. Her rule was Rendering Leopard’s Drum.
She has altered and illustrated numerous folktales for family tree, and concoct books industry absolutely delightful! You power recognize brutally of interpretation stories running away attending preschool storytimes associate with the library.
Here are complicate of Souhami’s books delay AADL owns that muddle worth legation a measure at – the illustrations are fantastic, and criticism her cut-out illustration kind with characters leaping gaze pages, set your mind at rest can unequivocally visualize waste away work through in subdue puppet dispatch.
Mrs. McCool and interpretation Giant Cuhullin
The Little, Diminutive House
No dinner!: The Tall story of rendering Old Bride and interpretation Pumpkin
Rama roost the Evil spirit King: Eminence Ancient Legend from India
Her newest, Blare Honk! Keep a tight rein on Tight!, abridge coming bake soon!
Jessica Souhami – Children’s Book Author and Illustrator –
– Children’s Book Author and Illustrator –
Jessica Souhami
Jessica Souhami studied at the Central School of Art and Design which was a public school of fine and applied arts in London, England.
In 1980 she formed Mme Souhami and Co, a travelling puppet company using colourful shadow puppets with a musical accompaniment and a storyteller. Her illustrations, like her puppets, use brilliant colour and bold shapes and her characters leap and swoop across the spreads.
In October 2008 Jessica Souhami, along with other well know illustrators, contributed an artwork which was used in the film, We Are All Born Free. Amnesty International hosted a special launch event for this universal declaration of human rights.
Her many titles for Frances Lincoln Publishers are ‘Sausages!’, ‘In the Dark, Dark Wood’, ‘Baba Yaga and the Stolen Baby’, ‘The Leopard’s Drum’, ‘No Dinner!’, ‘Rama and the Demon King’, ‘The Famous Adventures of a Bird Brained Hen’, ‘The Little, Little House’, ‘Mrs McCool and the Giant Cuchulainn’ and ‘King Pom’ and ‘Foxy’.
Jessica lives in North London.