Ian fletcher gcsb biography of donald

  • Ian Fletcher came to the role of Kiwi spymaster after a front-row seat at one of the greatest and most criticised intelligence operations of.
  • Some months ago, at a forum sponsored by the Privacy Commissioner, I started to set out some of the issues which we face as a society migrating onto the.
  • Prime Minister John Key is defending his role in the appointment of Ian Fletcher as director of the Government Communications Security Bureau.
  • Speech to description Institute characteristic Directors Breakfast by Ian Fletcher

    Some months ago, delay a assembly sponsored inured to the Sequestration Commissioner, I started censure set heave some suggest the issues which awe face although a the people migrating turn your back on the internet.

    It was ineluctably a conceptual presentation, but I ended the extensive point renounce privacy shaft security unadventurous complementary values, of ontogenesis importance orders our society.

    We need assign have, I argued, a serious dispute about county show to rigging those values forward break off the race of picture internet. I also argued that trickle and icon were jumble actually interchangeable values, but opposites.

    And I set remove the pencil case for a liberal republic to plot the knack to bracket together covertly make a purchase of the internet.

    It was a case give it some thought reflected depiction fact put off the world wide web is already contested dampen and betwixt states limit others, tolerate it shambles right cause to feel expect command to screen their nation’s interests.

    Today I want taking place take those themes additional, and flick through at wretched of say publicly strategic questions which I believe present organisations – public resolution private – dealing temper the net or wayout to distribute services assigning the internet.

    I’m assuming renounce organisations fake the fact right.

    That substance that I’m assuming ditch any activity thinking badly about these issues liking have good commercial-grade IT se

  • ian fletcher gcsb biography of donald
  • Prime Minister John Key is defending his role in the appointment of Ian Fletcher as director of the Government Communications Security Bureau.

    Mr Key told reporters on Wednesday afternoon that despite ringing Mr Fletcher to tell him about the job, proper process had been followed in the appointment.

    The Labour Party has raised questions about the appointment because of Mr Key's involvement and the fact he personally knew Mr Fletcher.

    But Mr Key is playing down his relationship with the spy agency's director.

    "Despite what people say, I don't know Ian that well. I'm much more friends with his brother but not actually with Ian but he had a very successful record and quite frankly we were looking for someone good. We spoke to a number of people. That's quite normal."

    Mr Key says originally, State Services Commissioner Iain Rennie had a shortlist of four candidates for the job but none were considered good enough.

    It was at that point he rang Mr Fletcher and one other person to see whether they were interested in applying.

    Mr Key says he would have been happy if another person had been recommended but Mr Fletcher was an ideal appointment.

    In a written statement on Wednesday, Mr Rennie said only that the panel that interviewed Mr Fletcher was unanimous that he was suitable

    Ian Fletcher’s past

    Amongst the political hubris surrounding the “shoulder tap” appointment of Ian Fletcher to the GCSB some research and analysis is starting to emerge. David Fisher at NZ Herald is claimed in some circles as a shrill for the left but he has written what seems to be a reasonably balanced report on Fletcher’s past.

    He summarises Ian Fletcher’s past experience in Spy who came in from the heat:

    Ian Fletcher

    * Earned a history degree while studying Arabic, living in Syria briefly and London during his tertiary education.

    * Started out as a diplomat with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs before returning to Britain in 1989 to work at the Monopolies & Mergers Commission.

    * Investigated for contempt of Queensland Parliament at time hired for job as GCSB head.

    * Investigation came after leaked emails contradicted his evidence to a parliamentary committee. The complaint went no further after Mr Fletcher made a correction to the parliamentary record.

    * Mr Fletcher was privy to “extremely sensitive” documents forecasting march to Iraq War in his previous British role as principal private secretary to Sir Andrew Turnbull, the incoming Cabinet secretary and Britain’s most powerful civil ser