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Directing and writing credits:
"Blame Booze and Melville" is directed by Jamie Babbitt, written by Daniel Palladino. This is the second Babbitt-directed episode in a row, which is a rarity. The last time the same director worked on two back-to-back episodes was in Season 1 with Michael Katleman ("That Damn Donna Reed" and "Christopher Returns"). In Season 7, Lee Shallat-Chemel will become the primary director, but that's an unusual circumstance.
I don't have any Daniel Palladino news, but I did listen to the audiobook of Lauren Graham's memoir, "Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, (and Everything in Between)," per Saul's recommendation. She doesn't have much to say about the early years of the show but provides detailed excerpts from her journal during "AYitL." Can you imagine if the Palladinos wrote memoirs? I would love to hear unfiltered stories about the WB/UPN merger that resulted in their grand exodus.
Most batshit crazy outfit:
I present to you, Kirk's button-down pelican shirt:
Lorelai's tragic eagle (winged snake?) sweater looks like an Ed Hardy fiasco, but the internet says it's actually by Raw 7. I can't imagine what would compel someone to buy this. I once had a dream that I got a handgun tattooed on my thigh and I swear that t