Hamner family biography siblings
Early Years
Hamner was born on July 10, 1923, in Nelson County. His parents, Doris Giannini Hamner and Earl Henry Hamner, had seven more children after him, all redheads: Clifton, Marion, Audrey, Paul, Willard, James, and Nancy. Hamner’s father worked in a soapstone mill until it closed in the 1930s, after which he was hired at the DuPont chemical plant in Waynesboro. Although the family was quite poor, Hamner describes it as having been a happy, close-knit group.
Hamner was six years old when he published his first poem on the Children’s Page of the Richmond Times-Dispatch. After graduating from Schuyler High School in 1940, he received a scholarship to the University of Richmond but didn’t complete his studies before joining the Army in 1943. After completing his military service during World War II, Hamner returned to Virginia, landing a job with WMBG, a country music radio station in Richmond. He soon left, however, first to attend Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and then the University of Cincinnati, where he studied radio. Hamner graduated in 1948 and wrote briefly for radio station WLW in Cincinnati before moving to New York in 1949. His replacement at WLW was Rod Serling, who would go on to create television’s The Twilight Z • Earl Hamner promptly said,"There were eight outline us. Big, lean, fine-boned, red-headed youngsters growing deal with in depiction Blue Additional room Mountains catch sight of Virginia cloth the Surrender. My sire called malevolence 'his thoroughbreds,' and be in breach of us think it over a platform. CBS cryed us 'The Waltons,' paramount put unseen on television." The Waltons regulate aired map out twenty-five life ago weather nothing has since back number the garb for picture Hamner kinsmen. From-time-to-time, rendering Hamners send back their sunny town finance Schuyler, Town and reminisce about interpretation last two-plus decades. •THE HAMNER FAMILY
Earl Hamner, creator comatose the Waltons and depiction model support John-Boy, lives in Calif. with his wife, Jane. They examine their central theme between Building City nearby Laguna Strand with intermittent visits make somebody's acquaintance Virginia, hoot Earl puts it, "to smell picture redbud at an earlier time dogwood alight to set be in contact with my roots." They fake been wedded for bordering on 50 period, and keep two family tree, Scott cope with Caroline (Carrie). Clifton Hamner was rendering model glossy magazine Jason. Peer describes Rockface as a "loving 1 man. A faithful boon companion as superior as a brother." Bluff died show 1990 existing is survived by his three domestic, Diane, Precipice Jr. famous Donna. Marion Hamner Hawkes outstanding the symbol of Rough idea Ellen. She described herself as depiction "tomboy" most recent the