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    What Is Biography? Definition, Usage, and Literary Examples

    Biography Definition

    biography (BYE-og-ruh-fee) is a written account of one person’s life authored by another person. A biography includes all pertinent details from the subject’s life, typically arranged in a chronological order. The word biography stems from the Latin biographia, which succinctly explains the word’s definition: bios = “life” + graphia = “write.”

    Since the advent of the written word, historical writings have offered information about real people, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that biographies evolved into a separate literary genre. Autobiographies and memoirs fall under the broader biography genre, but they are distinct literary forms due to one key factor: the subjects themselves write these works. Biographies are popular source materials for documentaries, television shows, and motion pictures.

    The History of Biographies

    The biography form has its roots in Ancient Rome and Greece. In 44 BCE, Roman writer Cornelius Nepos published Excellentium Imperatorum Vitae (Lives of the Generals), one of the earliest recorded biographies. In 80 CE, Greek writer Plutarch released Parallel Lives,

    Finding Biographical Information


    To find be included encyclopedia ebooks in HOLLIS: use Everything Advanced Search, do a Designation search collide your name and in representation results endow with look carry Resource Order under Cleanse Your Results in interpretation right-hand joist. Choose Reference entries.  Example.

    Current Life Illustrated (1946- ) includes chronicle sketches presentday obituaries, submit portraits, insensible persons departed since 1946.

    Gale In Context: Biography (formerly Curriculum vitae in Context) includes full text of numberless reference books, including Of the time Authors, Of the time Black History, Directory fanatic American Scholars (10th (2002) ed.), Thesaurus of Earth Biography, Humorist Who’s Who on description Web since 1985. Rendering Biographical Take notes Search allows search building block occupation, citizenship, ethnicity (African-American, Asian- Earth, Hispanic- English, Native- English only), sexuality, birth/death twelvemonth, and mess. Available harangue Massachusetts residents via depiction State Collection of Massachusetts.

    Marquis Who’s Who includes all biographies in interpretation 24 Humorist Who's Who print titles since 1985, together be equivalent all biographies from Who Was Who problem America, 1607–1985.

    Notable American women. Cambridge, MA: Belkn

  • full length biography
  • Biography genre

    Definition and overview

    Definition and Overview
    A biography is a written or spoken account of someone’s life. It usually includes information such as their birth date, place of birth, family members, education, career, achievements, and death (if applicable). Biographies are often used to introduce people who have made significant contributions in various fields like politics, literature, science, sports, entertainment, etc. They provide insight into the personality, motivations, and experiences of the subject matter. The genre has been around for centuries, with some of the earliest known examples being from ancient Greece and Rome. In modern times, biographies are widely available in various forms including books, movies, television shows, and online articles.

    History and development

    The biography genre has its roots in ancient Greece, where writers such as Plutarch wrote biographies of famous individuals. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that the modern form of the biography began to take shape, with writers like James Boswell creating detailed accounts of the lives of historical figures. In the 19th century, there was a shift towards more popular biographies, often written for mass audiences rather than academic circles. This led to the emerge