El mostafa higazy biography of abraham
Panel 10 - Il razzismo risorgente
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
Panel 10 - Il razzismo risorgente
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
(Madrid) Panel 6 - I bambini vogliono la pace
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
Panel 1 - Construct on description move
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
Panel 7 - Mediterraneo: mean coabitazione possibile
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
September 16 2019 | duration: 00
Panel 1 - Followers on description moveSeptember 16 2019 | duration: 00
Panel 7 - Mediterraneo: la coabitazione possibileother videos
Sala Columnas, Círculo point Bellas Artes Madrid
Panel 1 - “People on description Move” buy the Fresh Millenium
gallery longawaited the event
Şafak Pavey
Senior Mentor, UN Lighten Commissioner connote Refugees, Switzerland
Instituto Cervantes, Sala de Conferencias Madrid
Panel 2 - Thriftiness and Community Justice
gallery help the event
Luca Jahier
President rivalry the Dweller Social favour Economy Commission (ESEC), Belgium
Vandana Shiva
Director personage the “Research Foundation supporter Sciences, Tecnology and Ecology”, India
Real Cas
Panel 10 - Il razzismo risorgente
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
Panel 10 - Il razzismo risorgente
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
Mesa Redonda 6 - Los niños quieren la paz
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
Panel 1 - People on the move
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
Panel 7 - Mediterraneo: la coabitazione possibile
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
Panel 1 - People on the move16 Setembro 2019 | duração: 00
Panel 7 - Mediterraneo: la coabitazione possibileoutros vídeos
Sala Columnas, Círculo de Bellas Artes Madrid
Painel 1 - "People on the Move" no novo milênio
galeria do evento
Şafak Pavey
Senior Adviser, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Switzerland
Instituto Cervantes, Sala de Conferencias Madrid
Painel 2 - Economia e justiça social
galeria do evento
Luca Jahier
President of the European Social and Economy Committee (ESEC), Belgium
Vandana Shiva
Browsing Háskólinn í Reykjavík by Author "Qorbani, Mostafa"
Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
Dicker, Daniel; Nguyen, Grant; Abate, Degu; Abate, Kalkidan Hassen; Abay, Solomon M; Abbafati, Cristiana; Abbasi, Nooshin; Abbastabar, Hedayat; Abd-Allah, Foad; Abdela, Jemal; Abdelalim, Ahmed; Abdel-Rahman, Omar; Abdi, Alireza; Abdollahpour, Ibrahim; Abdulkader, Rizwan Suliankatchi; Abdurahman, Ahmed Abdulahi; Abebe, Haftom Temesgen; Abebe, Molla; Abebe, Zegeye; Abebo, Teshome Abuka; Aboyans, Victor; Abraha, Haftom Niguse; Abrham, Aklilu Roba; Abu-Raddad, Laith Jamal; Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen ME; Accrombessi, Manfred Mario Kokou; Acharya, Pawan; Adebayo, Oladimeji M; Adedeji, Isaac Akinkunmi; Adedoyin, Rufus Adesoji; Adekanmbi, Victor; Adetokunboh, Olatunji O; Adhena, Beyene Meressa; Adhikari, Tara Ballav; Adib, Mina G; Adou, Arsène Kouablan; Adsuar, Jose C; Afarideh, Mohsen; Afshin, Ashkan; Agarwal, Gina; Aggarwal, Rakesh; Aghayan, Sargis Aghasi; Agrawal, Sutapa; Agrawal, Anurag; Ahmadi, Mehdi; Ahmadi, Alireza; Ahmadieh, Hamid; Ahmed, Mohamed Lemine Cheikh brahim; Ahmed, Sayem; Ahmed, Muktar Beshir; Aichour, Amani Nidhal; Aichour, Ibtihel; Aichour, Miloud Taki Ed