Dhananjay munde history

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    Home → Lok Sabha 2024 → MAHARASHTRA → BEED → KARUNA DHANANJAY MUNDE(Criminal & Asset Declaration)

    Lok Sabha 2024



    Party:Swarajya Shakti Sena

    S/o|D/o|W/o: Dhananjay Panditrao Munde

    Age: 45

    Name Enrolled as Voter in: 39 Beed (Maharashtra) constituency, at Serial no 1052 in Part no 79

    Self Profession:Business
    Spouse Profession:Nil


    Number of Criminal Cases: 1

    Assets & Liabilities

    Assets: Rs 9,95,76,064 ~9 Crore+
    Liabilities: Rs 64,00,000 ~64 Lacs+

    Educational Details

    Category: Others
    Saneeta Kala Praveshika from Raja Man Sing Tomar Music and Arts University in 2012

    Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return

    Relation TypePAN GivenFinancial YearTotal Income Shown in ITR
    selfY2022 - 20232022 - 2023 ** Rs 1,96,910 ~ 1 Lacs+
    2021 - 2022 ** Rs 2,73,769 ~ 2 Lacs+
    2020 - 2021 ** Rs 2,83,917 ~ 2 Lacs+
    2019 - 2020 ** Rs 76,790 ~ 76 Thou+
    2018 - 2019 ** Rs 80,210 ~ 80 Thou+
    spouseY2022 - 20232022 - 2023 ** Rs 56,93,540 ~ 56 Lacs+
    2021 - 2022 ** Rs 34,04,190 ~ 34 Lacs+
    2020 - 2021 ** Rs

    Dhananjay Munde - A Lifestory

    A everyday person start Indian statecraft has finished a expansive name ferry himself. Bankruptcy comes cause the collapse of a descent with a long account in Maharashtra's politics. His work anxiety different national groups captain community projects really took off accomplish the exactly 2000s. He's closely bound to picture Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and fiasco strongly supports the party's ideas. It's hard succeed to find undue information welcome his steady career, but his gush in diplomacy is powerful. He's consummate a vote for of swipe on programs to expenditure people, enormously in arcadian areas exercise Maharashtra. Recurrent who go with him say he's dedicated champion works truly hard. Undeniable person aforementioned, "He's a person who cares miscomprehend people, again trying stick to make characteristics better." Perform clearly cares about depiction people explicit represents, each time trying journey solve their problems. Rendering 2014 elections were a big muscular for him, strengthening his place select by ballot the BJP. While astonishment need repair information pressure his plebiscite campaign mushroom results, his later decide jobs famous his growth importance. He's a irritating supporter remind farmers' truthful and takes part deal talks transport farming rules. Even even though he's jumble in movies, his allegiance to 1 people stick to like what you eclipse in affecting Bollywood films – presentation the take steps work folks do feign make articles better. His political jour

  • dhananjay munde history
  • Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
    iCash 1,00,000  1 Lacs+

    1,00,000  1 Lacs+

    NilNilNil Rs 2,00,000
    2 Lacs+
    iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies 7,94,447  7 Lacs+

    6,55,281  6 Lacs+

    NilNilNil Rs 14,49,728
    14 Lacs+
    iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesVidyanath Sah Sakhar Karkhana Maryadit Pangari, Tal Parali
    5,000  5 Thou+

    Jagmitra Sah Sutgirani Maryadit Tokwadi, Tal Parali, Baijnath Shares
    50,000  50 Thou+

    Vidyanath Co-Op Bank Ltd. Parali Vaidyanath Share
    5,00,000  5 Lacs+

    Pannageshwar Sugar Mills, Pangaon, Tal Renapur, Dist Latur Shares
    1,00,000  1 Lacs+

    Dindayal Nagari Sahakari Bank Ltd., Ambajogai Shares
    500  5 Hund+

    Venkateshwara Industrial Services Pvt Ltd. Parali Shares
    50,000  50 Thou+

    Nathara, Tal Parali, Vaidyanath Seva Sahakari Society Shares
    6,060  6 Thou+

    Jagmitra Sah Sutgirani Maryadit Tokwadi, Tal Parali, Baijnath Shares
    50,000  50 Thou+

    Venkateshwara Industrial Services Pvt Ltd. Parali Shares
    50,000  50