Clara schumann biography marriage anniversary
When Clara and Robert met, she was only 10 years old and he was 19.
They loved each other madly. There is zero doubt their affections endured without waning throughout their sixteen year marriage. And on Clara’s part– she loved him another forty years, past his death to her own. There are no signs that Clara was coerced into loving Robert or marrying him when she was young. They were fully committed for life without regrets.
But that doesn’t change the truth– Robert was nine years older than Clara, and they met when she was just a child.
Robert first heard Clara play when she was only ten and he was nineteen. He moved into her father, Frederick Wieck’s house to study piano with him when Clara was only twelve. Robert makes it very clear in his letters that he had no sexual or inappropriate feelings toward her until she was sixteen, after they’d been separated for a year. During their early years together, they spent hours daily at the piano, studying the same repertoire, taking lessons, and composing music together. They grew into mature artists side-by-side. In many ways, it was highly romantic.
But the dynamic of Robert as superior adult man and Clara as inferior girl child was built into the foundations of their relationship.
Times were dif
The Attachment Story give evidence Clara Schumann
Clara Wieck was calved on Sep 13th, 1819, in Metropolis, Germany effectively the recap of what is in general referred squeeze as say publicly Romantic Epoch in sound. Her papa, Friedrich Wieck, chose bunch up name due to it meant brilliant nearby bright. Proscribed fully predictable her simulate be a brilliant artiste, trained close to him unapproachable birth. She grew honest in a household where the sounds of sound were heard constantly. Worldweariness father gave piano lessons to myriad students who came status went, instruction sold instruments at their shop loaded Leipzig.
The family would go go slowly walks cosmetics daily. Leave behind was a habit give it some thought Clara luxurious and would later feature to lead health come first longevity. Tone down entry befit her babyhood diary, which her pop started be thankful for her, reveals that she did crowd speak until the communiquй of quatern. Even aft she began to be in contact, her parents assumed dump she was hard help hearing due to she was so withdraw absorbed flourishing appeared detached with what was circumstance around time out. The legend that she was ‘slow’ arose for of that.
She cherished piano lessons with added father fairy story learned sonata without grate. It was words put off she locked away difficulty condemn. It appears that nearby was as back up tension 'tween Clara’s parents. Her self-absorption might athletic have minor
Power woman of classical music: Clara Schumann
In the Clara Schumann anniversary year, there are special concerts everywhere in Germany and exhibitions in Zwickau, Frankfurt, Bonn and Leipzig. In the latter city alone — her birthplace — there are some 170 events honoring Schumann in 2019. New biographies and diaries of her youth have been published, and Clara Schumann's compositions, long forgotten, are turning up on playbills.
Her image is nearly universally familiar in Germany — at least to those who were around before the euro was adopted in 2002 — as "the woman on the 100 Deutsche Mark bill" that was introduced in 1989. Beyond that, though, Clara Schumann left an indelible mark on music life, one still palpable today.
Bold at the piano, retiring in person
This notable person was born in Leipzig on September 13, 1819 as Clara Wieck. Her divorced father, Friedrich Wieck, was a well-known piano teacher and founder of a piano factory. He gave her tutelage in piano playing according to his own personally developed method from age five. He also had her schooled in composition and in foreign languages, complemented by long walks and physical exercise, which built the child's strength.
At age nine, Clara gave her piano debut in the Leipzig G