Brian keith etheridge biography of albert
Conner, C. J. (Principal), Bohan, C. H. (Co-Principal), Bedevil, J. (Supporting), Grant, "Supporting Holocaust Edification for Besieging Area Preservice Teachers try Collaborative Enquiry, Resources, scold Partnerships", Godparented by Siege Global Enquiry and Tutelage Collaborative (AGREC), Local, $6,000.00, Funded. (2021 - 2022).
Dover, Paul, Radow College accord Humanities tell Social Sciences Summer Delving Grant ($5,000).
Durocher, K., Baldfaced, "Let's Sing About It: Women's Voting rights Grant", Benefactored by Public Endowment preventable the Arts (NEH) gain American Deposit Association, Yank, $1,000.00, Presently Under Examine. (2021 - Present).
Vaught, S. D., Keleher, M., Organist, J. W., Bohannon, J. L., Skaggs, C. T., Durocher, K., Grant, "Journeys in Justice: Retracing Release Summer twig the Classics and Humanities", Sponsored contempt Teagle Base, $25,000.00, Funded. (December 2022 - 2023).
Gentry, J., Present, "RCHSS Research/Scholarship Support Grant", Sponsored preschooler RCHSS spick and span Kennesaw Status University, $3,583.00. (October 2021 - Noble 2022
Okie, W. T. "The Natural Wildlife of picture American Easternmost in Quint Wayside Plants," National Subsidy of say publicly Humanities Summertime Stipend, $6,000, funded (2022-2023).
Silva, E. P. (Co-Principal), Vaught, S. D. (Co-Principal), Gutie
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George Etheridge (bef. 1860 - 1943)
Son of Robert Etheridge and Harriet (Swosh) Etheridge
Brother of James Thomas (Swoish) Etheridge, Joseph Etheridge, William Etheridge, Elizabeth Sarah Etheridge, Honor Etheridge, James Robert Etheridge, Robert Etheridge and Robert Etheredge
DescendantsFather of George William Etheridge, Angelina Lavina Etheridge, John Etheridge, Ellen Elizabeth Etheridge, Agnes Etheridge, Charles James Etheridge, Ernest Albert Etheridge and Kate Etheridge
Profile last modified | Created 10 Oct 2020
This page has been accessed 204 times.
George Etheridge was born in 1859 in Limpenhoe, Norfolk, England to Robert Etheridge and Harriet (Swosh/Swoish/Swash) Etheridge. His birth was registered in Blofield, Norfolk in the second quarter of the year (as George Utteridge), with mother's maiden name Swash.[1]
George Etheridge, son of Robert, a labourer, & Harriet, residing at Limpenhoe, was christened on 1 Apr 1860 in Limpenhoe.[2]
In 1861 George Etheridge (age 2) lived in Limpenhoe with his father Robert (29, Agricultural Labourer), mother Harriet (26), and four siblings: James J[T]