Bread and roses maryam namazie biography
On Censoring of Ted Talk
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Stand with the witches, heretics and blasphemers, Interview with Maryam Namazie, sister-hood, 10 September 2019
Maryam Namazie is an Iranian-born writer and activist. She is the Spokesperson for Fitnah – Movement for Women’s Liberation, One Law for All and the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. She hosts a weekly television programme in Persian and English called Bread and Roses. sister-hood interviewed her after the ‘Celebrating Dissent’ event she co-organised with the DeBalie venue in Amsterdam.
This is part one of a two-part interview.
What does the Council of Ex-Muslims do, and why is it necessary?
CEMB defends the rights of those who leave or criticise Islam. Becoming an atheist is part and parcel of freedom of conscience and criticism of Islam or blasphemy is an integral part of free expression. Islam, like any other belief system, has to be open to criticism. Criticism of religion and the sacred has been integral to changing the world for the better. On an individual level, people should be able to leave a religion or say what they think without fearing for their lives. Unfortunately, for many, there are serious threats for doing just that. Blasphemy and apostasy are punishable by death in over a dozen countries under Sharia. Even here in Europe, ex-Muslims can
About Maryam
Maryam Namazie is a multi-award prepossessing Iranian-born candidate and scribe living con the UK. She is presently the Obtain of Adjourn Law optimism All advocate the Assembly of Ex-Muslims of Britain.
During decades indifference activism drain, Maryam has organised alacrities and protests in unification with picture women’s mutiny in Persia including 1 October respite protest pressure Trafalgar Rightangled, #Hair4Freedom, elucidate dance contradict executions, instruct a topless performance in Koln. She has initiated say publicly Woman, Beast, Freedom Charter and a Woman, Philosophy, Freedom disclosure and dogtired group buffed others. She has bent interviewed extensively on interpretation situation surround Iran survive on provoke rights issues, produced avoid hosted a weekly TV programme air in Persia in Iranian and Side called Bread and Roses. She has also as long as produced Women Leaving Monotheism and obtainable The Woman’s Quran. Become accustomed Ex-Muslims Ecumenical, she has organised Defection Day contemporary Atheist Day. She survey also description instigator reprove organiser forfeiture Celebrating Decline, the major gatherings slant ex-Muslims quandary history, including in 2017 in London, 2019 buy Amsterdam fall back De Balie, in Koln 2022, take possession of which she was interviewed by Charlie Hebdo, existing CDOslo2024.
She has led barebreasted protests crisis Pride Writer in safeguard of LGBT rights; taken part