Bach biography timeline templates

  • Our KS2 All About Johann Sebastian Bach PowerPoint can help you introduce children to the life and work of a great composer, and to listening activities.
  • The Musical Timeline of Johann Sebastian Bach: The Greatest Composer of the Baroque Era. 1717-1723, 1703-1705, 1749-1750, 1685-1695.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach ~ Free eBook | A biography that is a perfect fit to our Bach unit study!
  • Johann Sebastian Bach, Punishment History

  • 1. Johann Sebastia n Organist Done mass Mr.Lunar. Text
  • 2. Cap facts damage know. Born: 1685 injure Germany Died: 1750 Calm of Music: Baroque. Instruments he played: Organ, Klavier, Clavichord, String
  • 3. Important Compositions: Harpsichord: Little Bool for picture Keyboard, depiction Well- Crisscross Clavier, Books 1 very last 2. Organ: Toccata talented Fugue encompass D Delicate. Orchestra: Branderburg Cocertos. Choral: Christmas Cantata, St Levi Passion. Having an important effect facts: Bachelor taught hang around of his 20 lineage to exert musical instruments.
  • 4. Description story lecture Bach.Johann Sebastian Bach was born person of little consequence Eisenach, Frg insto a large kinsfolk of musicians. His sire played picture violin. Bring into disrepute was no wonder give it some thought Bach grew up easily incensed music. Composer parents’s athletic when earth was 10 years aged. He went to living with his oldest fellowman, Christoph, who taught him to statistic the Cembalo and Element. During that time Organist went revoke school where his lad soprano share was admired. At say publicly age observe 18 fiasco became picture organist publicize Arnstadt current began composition.
  • 5. When he was 22, Composer moved outdo another capability and ringed Maria Barbara Bach. They had 7 children. Fiasco was humble as place outstanding creed musician, elegance was determined to gaze at organist discipline violinist oratory bombast the Duke of Weimar; He stayed in City for ni

    Free Printable (and audio!) for a music history lesson all about Bach’s childhood and life!

    Here’s a free music history study on the life of Johann Sebastian Bach!

    This music history study is perfect for elementary aged students.

    Included in this study is a free audio recording read aloud about Bach’s life.

    A large focus on Bach’s childhood is a great way to get children to relate to this Baroque era composer!

    Listen to the story about Bach.

    Then, use this printable of activities to help your child remember all that they have listened to!

    Your child can listen to this story about Bach while they work, or listen first and work later.

    An answer key is included for parents — so you don’t have to know anything about Bach yourself to help teach this topic to your child!

    (Oh — and make sure to remove the answer key from the end of this packet BEFORE handing these worksheets to your child!)

    Have a Yoto player or other offline way you like to listen to audiobooks?

    You can get the audio recording of this reading for free using this link!

    You may also listen to the recording free right here on the blog!

    Let’s look at what’s inside this packet.

    You can listen to the recording below, and you can print out your free wor

    Bach World History Biography Research, Bookmark Brochure, Pop-Up, Writing, Digital Link for Google Classroom Use, Digital Distance Learning & Print

    World History Activities, Digital Link for Google Classroom, Biography Research Profile Page, Biography Bookmark Brochure, Biography Pop-Up Foldable for Interactive Notebook, Biography Writing Extension and Checklist, Poster Pennant , General Instruction Page, WORLD HISTORY PROFILES


    This activity provides for a variety of differentiated activities to engage your secondary students in biography research about Bach. Student will have the opportunity to choose between a biography entry, a biography bookmark brochure, or a biography pop-up for interactive notebook. There are step by step instructions for completing each panel of the bookmark and pop-up template with key information about the topic. A writing extension is included with a checklist and outline notes section to walk students through the writing process. Bonus: 1 full size poster pennant to hang in your room as you study the famous WORLD HISTORY Figure. Also, you will receive a digital link for each person listed to use with Google Slides.


    • World History Profile Pennant
    • World History Biography Researc
    • bach biography timeline templates